Wednesday 20 January 2021

Well-being Wednesday!

Hello everyone! We hope you've had a good week ☺

This Wednesday, we will be thinking about 'worry' and how it can make us feel. 

Can you think of a time when you've felt worried? 💭
Talk about it now with your grown-up...

What should I do when I feel worried?

Talk to a grown-up 👥 Talking can really help to get rid of our worries and can make you feel much better again.

You could also try this calm breathing exercise.

Next time you feel worried about something, imagine the thing that you're worried about being put inside a bubble or a cloud. 
Take a deep breath in through your nose and blow out through your mouth. Each time you blow out, imagine that you are blowing the bubble or cloud further and further away. 
Keep breathing like this until you have blown your worry so far away into the distance that you can barely see it anymore, or until is has completely disappeared! 😊

Top tip! Make sure you're sitting or laying somewhere comfortable first and then close your eyes to help you create the picture of a bubble or cloud in your mind.

It's normal to worry sometimes, but talking to a grown-up and having a go at these breathing exercises can really help to make you feel better again. 

Why not have a go at making your own 'worry monster', so that you can 'feed' your worries to your monster and watch them disappear that way, too!  You can design your very own monster using the template below. If you're feeling really creative, you could have a go at turning your design into a 3D monster using cardboard boxes and tubes!

Have fun and don't forget to send in any photos!

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