Thursday 16 March 2017

Science Day

National Science Week.

The theme this year was ‘Changes.’ Before we started our work we talked about all the
different changes that we knew about already.
· Water changes to ice when it freezes - Ethan. Stonham In winter - Flynn
· Coco pops makes the milk change. It goes brown and chocolatey - Sam Gant
· The weather changes - Connor We have different seasons - Amelia

We decided to investigate the changes in some food when you make them warm.
After reading Mr Wolf’s Pancakes we tried pancakes with different toppings
· Banana - it was very soft and easily squashed - it became a little bit slimy
· Chocolate - as the chocolate got warmer it became softer - it melted
· Ice cream - like the chocolate the ice cream melted and became quite runny as it warmed up
· Lemon and sugar - it looked like the sugar was disappearing - it was dissolving

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