Wednesday 15 March 2017

Science Day

Mr Wolf's Pancakes.

After reading 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes', we observed the changes in different toppings on our own pancakes. The children enjoyed talking about what happened to the ice-cream, melted chocolate buttons, mashed banana and, lemon and sugar. 

The children made comments such as:

'The chocolate was soft and brown.'
'The ice-cream melted and was runny because the pancake was hot.'
'The banana turned soft and the colour changed to brown.'
'The sugar went into the pancake after we put the lemon on it.'

Best of all, we had to taste all of the different delicious toppings!


  1. Elsie loved this investigation. She came home telling us all about it, she told us the melted chocolate was her favourite but she didn't like the 'mushed up' banana!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Max was super excited about this! So pleased he is settling in and feeling comfortable:)

  4. Kaitlyn loved doing this and told us all about it
