Sunday 17 March 2019

RMcCabe - The Magic Porridge Pot

This week's book is the Magic Porridge Pot, a story about a special pot that could make an infinite amount of porridge - if you knew the magic words. The mother said the words to start the pot but forgot the words to stop it and porridge poured through the town. At the end of the story, the town needed some super heroes to help tidy up all that porridge!
Here are some of our magical pinch pots.

The super heroes have been busy in the role play, answering emergency calls, logging incidents and saving the day!

We have become more aware of value that numbers represent. The children have been ordering 3 random numbers from smallest to largest...

... and ordering super heroes from smallest to largest.

To develop our awareness of place value, the children have been making two digit numbers using tens and ones.

During the week we were invited to a special assembly with Mrs Dodge. She had an emergency - there's too much plastic being thrown in our oceans and its hurting the fish! The Red Room super heroes spring into action and thought of different things we could do to stop our plastic rubbish from reaching the ocean.

Image result for plastic bottle bricks

Some made plastic bottle bricks and gave them to Mrs Dodge. 

Some collected their crisp packets to send them off for money.

We all made some amazing artwork with plastic waste based on circles to remind people to think about the cycle of plastic and to recycle!

Hopefully, we can reduce the amount of plastic in our oceans!

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