Friday 6 October 2017

On a windy Autumn afternoon as the sun began to shine green group jumped into the sand and decided to build a bridge. We all worked together with the large spades to dig a hole.
As they all began to dig Summer shouted
“It's too hard”
Harry caught a moth in his hands and stated
“I have found a butterfly, I am going to let it fly”
Quietly Ola found a small bucket and spade and began to fill it to the top.
“Look Mrs Mabbott” she said.
Elijah picked up the long handed scoop and said
“I am going to use the scoop.”

Happily Harry took on the role of manager and began to help and organise the group. Joseph stated,
“Mrs Mabbott I am making a cake for you.”
He was placing the sand into a sand mixer toy and carefully using the handle to mix the sand.
“What you doing?” Cameron asked.
“Putting in the hole” Freddie announced.
“Can someone help me….Can someone help me”
Harry asked repeatedly
“I will” Freddie responded.
Elijah and Freddie joined Harry and began to dig a hole. Harry gave Elijah a large spade and watched him dig.

Meanwhile Esme, Georgia and Ola observed from a distance and then decided to design their own masterpiece. Each took a different approach, Ola used a small spade and began to dig quickly whilst Esme and Georgia picked up the large spades, Esme used her feet and body weight whilst Georgia chose to sit down and scrape the sand. Tomasso soon came over to take a look.“Your ruining it” Esme told Tomasso as he stepped on the edge of her hole, then Georgia shouted to Esme
“Do it in the middle.”
Harry came  running to rescue the girls
“Can I help?”
Freddie followed Harry and replied“You can, everybody can help.” Soon they were all helping repair the hole.
Elijah shouts
“Tomasso, but….but...but it needs to be in the sand.”
Georgia continued to work determined to dig the biggest hole. Ola pulled out a stone and excitedly said
“Look Mrs Mabbott it's gone, look it's a stone.”
Eventually their holes look like holes! Joseph's was so big he decided to sit in it. As Summer and Elijah laughed they worked as a team to carry a plank to make a bridge. Cameron decided he was making a different bridge, he picked up the brick roller.
“I am making a line.”
Cameron's line came close to Georgia's masterpiece so she exclaimed
“No! Cameron it's doing my hole”
“We can share” Cameron replied.
All of a sudden Elijah came running,
“I found a rock.”
“It's cold” Alice claimed
“It's from the sea” Harry told the group then clarified
“It's actually from the Ocean.” Freddie then added
“It's from the beach.”
Finally we all tested out our bridges and like a Troll waiting for the Trip Trap of the goats feet Tomasso sat in the largest hole underneath the plank of wood.

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