Wednesday 11 October 2017

Cardboard rocket!

To set the scene the carpet area was full of children using their imagination and going on wonderful adventures all prompted by a cardboard box!

All involved were climbing in their amazing cardboard space rocket!!

Astronaut Ellis- “bye love you”
“Bye, have a good time” replied Elijah.
“We’re going to a moon party.”
With his purpose built steering wheel Harry drives the space rocket, leaning this way and that to manoeuvre around the planets, making some wonderful sound effects as he goes! Astronaut Harry feeling a little peckish decided he would like some crisps,
“Emily you need to get them from the shop”
“Ok, I'll get them from the shop” Emily kindly offered.
Ellis, Emily and Harry get lots of food (popoids) and pack them into the rocket.
Meanwhile our third Harry uses one of the popoids to make a telescope, he gazes into the atmosphere. I wonder what he could see? Maybe the moon is coming closer.
Another astronaut ( Isaac) got everyone prepared for lift off “ready, steady, blast off!”
However they encountered a problem, the rocket was too small! Tommy, Ellis, Preston and Emily soon rectified this! They got chairs and extended the rocket...great idea!
Now they could depart…
“1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10” they all count!
It's time to go, before you know it they have all landed on the moon, take out their ice lollies and quietly eat!

A big discussion then ensues, the most favourite flavour! Chocolate was decided the best, but what's yours?

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