Tuesday 6 July 2021


We have had a couple of busy weeks in Nursery. We have been out and about in the school grounds and taken a walk to the Nature Area. All the plants and grasses had grown so much - it was like Going on  a Bear Hunt through the long swishy, swashy grass! We spotted ladybirds, dragonflies and bees and even a nest with some little chicks. In the pond there were bugs aplenty - we found pond skaters, boatmen, different kinds of larvae and lots of wriggly worm things!  

In nursery we have been practising our cutting skills - we have been snipping rosemary in the mud kitchen and giving the grass patch a much needed cut!

We have been doing PE in the Gym and practising our balancing and jumping skills and using up our energy outside running!

A few weeks ago we were sent a pack of caterpillars to look after and to watch as they metamorphosed into butterflies. We were very excited to see that all 5 caterpillars transformed into beautiful butterflies!

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